Posts by abbeysmith

Why DoDI 1322.26 is important for the Experience API (xAPI)

Last week, the Department of Defense (DoD) signed the updated DoDI 1322.26 Distributed Learning (DL). The latest DoDI advises all entities within the DoD to procure eLearning technology solutions that are compliant with the SCORM or Experience API (xAPI) specifications. This Instruction replaces the 2006…

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Shelly Blake-Plock announced last night via LinkedIn that he would be leading a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for IEEE LTSC (Learning Technologies Standards Committee). This is good news, as Shelly is going to carry a real load in leading that group. In his own words,…

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We’re calling it, “Experience API”

Just a little editor’s note for everyone. You may notice that this site now redirects you more aggressively toward its representation. In 2015, we heavily revised this website and established that, when it came to using xAPI vs. Tin Can, “We call it whatever…

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More of the same

Welcome to week one of the post-acquisition Rustici Software world. I just thought I’d take a moment here to discuss one of the reasons we agreed to sell Rustici Software to LTG, because it’s not all about the money. Mike and I were seeking investment…

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We call it "I call it"

On August 13th, 2015, we launched a heavily revised version of Andrew Downes has been working away, as he does, creating new content. Rather than direct it all at the blog, though, he’s been rethinking and restructuring the core site and sharing his insights…

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A fond and brief farewell

Often we blog about the people we've hired, and what we're excited about working on with them. Today, we're bidding a fond farewell instead. Over the last couple of years, Megan Bowe has played a large role in our evangelism of xAPI. This is not…

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The Experience API isn’t Big Brother, Mike is

First, a story laced with truth and lies. A couple of years ago, Mike and I decided to hire remote employees at Rustici Software. As "managers", Mike and I felt it was important to visit our remote employees in their place of business once each…

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Inside Your Brain

How cool would it be if we could look inside our brains and see what we're learning and how we're learning it? But we can't do it. We can't manage learning. So what the heck are we doing with ourselves? Why are we building learning management systems and specifications…

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