Often we blog about the people we’ve hired, and what we’re excited about working on with them. Today, we’re bidding a fond farewell instead. Over the last couple of years, Megan Bowe has played a large role in our evangelism of xAPI. This is not an easy job, mind you. We’re inventing something together with the community, and we’re figuring out pieces of it as we go, and we’re navigating political challenges, all while trying to help the world understand something truly new and challenging.

Megan played her part in this beautifully, and we’re grateful to her for it. As our focus at Rustici Software has moved from general evangelism to very specific implementations at businesses, the work we’ve been doing has moved away from the things Megan is particularly passionate about. Due in part to her young kids, Megan has a strong interest in serving the K12 community. While we would love to work on that problem too, and may over time, we aren’t getting to give all of our time to it.

We very much want all of our people doing the things they care about the most, working on problems they find interesting. For this reason, we’re happy to see people move on to other companies and projects when their interests take them there. In this case, we’re particularly excited because we believe we’ll be working with Megan again very soon. (Megan will be going to work for Knewton, with a good portion of her work related to, you guessed it, the Experience API.)

So, thanks to you, Megan, on behalf of the community and Rustici Software in particular. We’ll miss you, for a week or two at least, until we say hello again.