Posts by Brian Miller

Brian Miller is the Senior Director of Engineering and is also the most pedantic person at the office, which is saying something. That skill makes him great at ensuring our products support the standards, which is precisely what he spends his days doing. Brian is a IEEE LTSC voting member working on the advancement of learning standards, like xAPI and cmi5.

The Sauce Behind Recipes

  // Last week we introduced the concept of a Recipe, a defined way to capture the same experience using the same set of statements across Activity Providers. This post will delve a bit further into how we got to the concept and the technical…

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TinCanPHP: Because We Could (…and we care)

Growing adoption of the Experience API is a core part of what I’m tasked to do around here. Providing high quality, easy to use, open source libraries is one of the best ways I know to do that (aside from writing blog posts, of course!).…

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Deep Dive: Attachments

As network speeds and the processing power of devices improves, the size of the files we use to capture our experiences, be they photos or other graphics, videos, or complex documents, increases. We need a way to associate these ever-growing files with the metadata capturing…

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Webinar Q&A Follow Up: Anatomy of a xAPI Statement

A little over a month ago I presented the "Anatomy of a xAPI Statement" webinar as follow up to our continuing Deep Dive series of blog posts. Despite some Q&A time at the end, I didn't have a chance to answer all the questions, here…

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Deep Dive: Extensions

Several times throughout the Deep Dive series I’ve mentioned “catch all” objects and a future post — here it is. The framers of the Experience API specification knew that the overall structure of a statement, particularly with its oft mentioned Actor-Verb-Object pattern, could capture a…

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Deep Dive: Result

Deep Dive: Result So far throughout the Deep Dive series that I’ve been writing, there has been one thing notably lacking, e-learning. It turns out that the framers of the Experience API specification hit on something big enough that it need not be boxed in…

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Deep Dive: Context

With two toddlers at home, I’m fairly used to short, choppy sentences as a manner of communication. I have whole books filled with them, granted they are only about 15 pages long with type even my grandfather can see. And while most of the time…

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Deep Dive: Extras/Others

In the other posts in this series I've covered some big topics with a post each, but not all properties of xAPI statements need quite so much attention. The Actor-Verb-Object pattern commonly pointed out as the basis of xAPI statements is tremendous for deriving meaning…

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Deep Dive: Object

So many objects, so little time..."Guacamole is extra, is that okay?" Most anyone first encountering xAPI will find the "I did this" or "I did something" pattern for statements, we've used it once or twice ourselves on this site. This refers to the overall basic…

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