Learn more about how statements work

This example statement does not include every possible property of the statement. To get a fuller picture, click on each section and then follow the links through to the relevant deep dive. You should also read about attachments and extensions.

        "actor": {
            "name": "Example Learner",
            "mbox": "mailto:learner@example.com",
            "objectType": "Agent",
        "verb": {
            "id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/completed",
            "display": {
                "en-GB": "completed",
                "en-US": "completed"
        "object": {
            "id": "http://www.example.com/some-checklist-id/some-checklist-item-id",
            "definition": {
                "name": {
                    "en-GB": "example to-do list item",
                    "en-US": "example checklist item"
                "description": {
                    "en-GB": "A more detailed examplation of the item completed.",
                    "en-US": "A more detailed examplation of the item completed."
                "type": "http://id.tincanapi.com/activitytype/checklist-item",
            "objectType": "Activity"
        "result": {
            "success": true,
            "completion": true,
            "duration": "PT1H37M56.34S"
        "context": {
            "registration": "ec531277-b57b-4c15-8d91-d292c5b2b8f7",
            "contextActivities": {
                "parent": [
                        "id": "http://www.example.com/some-checklist-id/",
                        "objectType": "Activity",
                        "definition": {
                            "type": "http://id.tincanapi.com/activitytype/checklist"
            "language" : "en"
        "stored": "2013-05-18T05:32:34.804Z",
        "authority": {
            "account": {
                "homePage": "http://cloud.scorm.com/",
                "name": "anonymous"
            "objectType": "Agent"
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "id": "6690e6c9-3ef0-4ed3-8b37-7f3964730bee",
        "timestamp": "2013-05-18T05:32:34.804Z"


Select each element of the statement to read the explanation.


Who did the thing? The actor is identified by a unique identifier such as an email address or account on some system.
Read more about the actor.


The action taken by the actor. Includes an id for machines and a localized display for humans.
Read more about the verb.


The thing that the actor acted on. Normally an activity, but can be anything really!
Read more about activities.
Read more about the object.


The outcome of the learning experience. Sometimes includes a score.
Read more about the result.


The context the learning experience sits in. Normally includes a parent activity.
Read more about the context.

Stuff set by the LRS

These properties are set by the LRS and not be the activity provider.
Read more about these properties.

Stuff set by the AP

These properties can be set by the LRS if not provided, but are normally set by the activity provider.
Read more about these properties.


Next steps

Use the resources below to learn more about statements.

  • Statements 101 takes you through the basics of statements that you need to know in order to get going with xAPI.
  • xAPI Lab is a tool that supports you to build your a statement and send it to an LRS.
  • Statements Deep Dive takes you beyond the basics to help you get the most out of xAPI.

Build your own

Use xAPI Lab to build your own statement and send it to an LRS.

Try it

Questions? Ask us anything.

This stuff can be confusing. Reach out if you have questions.